Welcome Back, Eisenhower!

This year has already gotten off to a great start! We have had a combined lunch with the vendors, two assemblies (one being a Round-up), and our first home football game. Let me give you a quick recap, as well as some extra information:

     At the beginning of the year, we had our annual rotations in the Commons, Auditorium, Advisory classes, and the Gymnasium. Later in the week, every class got together for a spirit assembly. In this assembly, we started off strong with our class of 2024 Senior walk-in. Following this, students participated in relay races, learned the hand jive, our dance team gave a performance, and we all enjoyed the tradition of the spirit can. Then, the week of the first home football game, we had a Round-up assembly, this time involving musical chairs (our winner being Caden Sund), guess the teacher’s childhood photo, small games for each fall sport, and of course, our lovely spirit can to top it off.

     We seemed to have a large influx in the student body this year, which would make you think that assemblies and activities would be more chaotic, but it was actually the opposite. Everybody was on their best behavior, there was a lot of student participation, and when we had our combined lunch, we were respectful of the vendors and our fellow students. We had booths from the cheer squad, dance team, choir, Speech and Debate, NHS, and our leadership team. They were selling flavored Red Bulls, pizza, Krispy Kreme donuts, flavored lemonade, root beer floats, and more.

     I think I speak for everyone when I say summer seemed shorter this year. However, we were able to bounce back and start the year off strong. Compared to last year, I’ve seen far less students wandering the halls between classes or skipping in the bathroom, and this could partially be because of the new I.D. scanning system (see the Opinion section for more details). If we can keep these numbers low, I believe that we will have an amazing year here at Ike. But, it is up to us as students to maintain this responsibility.

     Along with this aspect of responsibility, please, for the love of your future, keep your grades up. As a freshman or sophomore, it is so easy to fall behind, so keep checking your email and Canvas page daily to stay up-to-date. As a junior or senior, look at the Scholarship Bulletin on our Eisenhower homepage. Now is the perfect time to apply for these, so take advantage of it. These will be extremely helpful if you plan to continue your education after high school.




IKE vs. Davis: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate 


Class of 24!