NASA’s Moon Shot

     On Monday, August 29th, 2022 NASA attempted to launch the space flight Artemis 1 which would send a rocket to orbit the moon. Unfortunately, the launch was postponed due to engine issues on August 29th, 2022, and September 3rd, 2022.

     In 1969 NASA launched its 1st of 6 successful moon landings, which carried Neil Armstrong and Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin over the course of 8 days to the moon. We have yet to send humans back to the moon since Apollo 17 in 1972. But on August 29th, 2022, NASA attempted to send a test rocket to the moon to see if it was plausible to send humans back. A couple of hours prior to the launch, NASA had to postpone after engineers noticed an issue with the temperature of one of the four engines. After this issue, NASA rescheduled the launch for September 3rd, 2022 but was postponed for the 2nd time due to a leak in the liquid hydrogen valve.

     NASA currently has only 4 more openings to launch Artemis 1 over the next 4 months. The 1st period starts September 19th through October 4th with only 2 days being closed, the 2nd period will start October 17th  through October 31st with 4 days being closed, and the 3rd period will open on November 12th through the 27th with only 3 days being closed. Finally, their 4th opening will begin December 9th and ends on the 23rd with 4 days being closed. There are multiple reasons why NASA would not be able to launch on certain days during these periods; for example, the weather would not be in their favor, or the rocket would not be able to withstand the struggle of getting into orbit.  We do not currently have any details on when or if they will try to relaunch during these periods they will, but there is a high possibility that they will reattempt it.


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