2023 National Honor Society Inductees 

On May 1st, 2023, 16 new members were officially inducted into the Eisenhower High School chapter of the NHS. These individuals have demonstrated the four pillars of the NHS: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Scholarship is dedication in the classroom. Leadership in the NHS means being dedicated to help foster leadership in the community. Service is helping strengthen the Ike community and beyond through service. Last but certainly not least, character is the dedication to respect in all aspects of life.

     At induction, the new officers for the 2023-2024 school year were also installed. President Mariah Cornejo, Vice President Ethan Gu, Secretary Kim Zapata, Treasurer Misael Garcia Tellez, and Historian Kayla King. This ceremony, one of the most important events for NHS of the year, came at a time of great change for the chapter, as there was a transition between advisors. In speaking with Ms. Cornejo, chair of the induction committee, I asked her about her thoughts on how this year's induction went. She had this to say about it, "The transition honestly forced us to start from scratch. We really wanted to keep the traditions that have been established, and we tried our best to preserve them. As the induction committee chair, I felt that I was responsible for making it happen and laying the groundwork for future inductions. We had to read the bylaws, look at other inductions for examples, and above all, work together. In spite of those setbacks, I think that the ceremony was a success, and this season of preparation really set us up for next year and beyond."

     There's often this stigma surrounding NHS that it is a "cult for nerds." While lighting candles is involved in the induction ceremony, that's the closest NHS gets to resembling one. In fact, it's much more than a thing for the overachievers. According to Mr. Quesell, the advisor of NHS, "NHS has always been seen as the spot for the smart kids, but the main purpose of NHS is the three other pillars: service, leadership, and character. While GPA is the gatekeeper, it's not just about getting good grades. The real purpose is to serve the community. I see it more as Ike's heart. At many of the other clubs, activities, and athletics at Ike, NHS members are contributing and making our community a better place. In the words of Gen. James Doolittle, 'There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer.'" These sentiments are also shared among members as well. "NHS is a really nice environment. I feel surrounded by people with the same goals, cultivating mindsets and serving the community. We get to share our individual knowledge and skills to make a greater impact together. That was part of the reason that I decided to really take the lead on planning the induction ceremony. I believe that it's much more than a ceremony; it's the start of an amazing experience." Once again, congratulations to all of our new members!

         - Michelle Acevedo Haro

        - Mary Baker

        - Denise Camarillo Estrada

        - William Chandler

        - Jeremiah J. Elmore

        - Keagen Garcia

        - Jackielynn Garza

        - Luanna Huang

        - Gavin Kinzel

        - Isabella M. Rivera

        - Jared Rodriguez

        - Ricardo Solis

        - Alondra Soto Delgado

        - Emma Stephens

        - Jason Taylor

        - Jazmine Tinajero Medina



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