Another Year in the Books

     Cadets, the 2022-2023 school year is almost officially over! It’s crazy to think about how fast the year flew by, and by the time this comes out, there will only be a few days left. So, as the year comes to a close, let’s take a look at some of the accomplishments and biggest events this year at Eisenhower High School!

Homecoming: One of the biggest things to look forward to when joining high school is Homecoming. Homecoming is one of the biggest dances of the year, besides Prom, where you can get together with friends or a date and celebrate being back at school. Homecoming is always the Saturday after a home football game, usually against Davis.

     In preparation for the dance, our leadership team decides on a theme, promotes the dance, sets up voting for Homecoming King and Queen, and decorates the commons for the fun-filled night. Homecoming king and queen this year were Nathan and Leslie.Sports: Speaking of sports seasons, Eisenhower has three: fall, winter, and spring. The fall season has Football, Girls Soccer, Volleyball, Cross Country, Slowpitch Softball, and Girls Swim and Dive. Winter sports are Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys Swim and Dive, Wrestling, and Bowling. Spring sports are Fastpitch Softball, Boys Soccer, Baseball, Track, Tennis, and Golf. Dance and Cheer are year-round.

Street Festivals: A couple of times a year, two times this year, Eisenhower has food trucks, vendors and club stands set up on the 44th Avenue side of the school. The items being sold include tacos, donuts, redbulls, pizza, lemonade, paletas (popsicles), and more. Leadership helps set up these street vendors to help get our Cadet community together. Usually, the two lunches are split up and extended to just under an hour each, or there is one large, combined lunch lasting about an hour and a half.

Concerts/Musicals: In March, Ike’s drama and theater department put on SpongeBob the Musical. With live music and a captivating plot, this musical started the year off strong. Coming off of that, Senior-Directed One Acts happened in mid-May To end the year off, the annual Follies were shown in late May. Follies are like a talent show, with acts being put on by multiple groups.

Prom: Prom is the last dance of the year, designed to celebrate the end of another successful school year. Students get together with their friends and get ready, go to dinner with their friends or date, and head to the dance. This year, Prom was from 8-11 P.M., and the theme was a masquerade. After a couple of hours of dancing, taking photos, and hanging out, Prom Court was recognized, and royalty was announced. Prom King and Queen this year were Juan and Lily.

AP BBQ: Every year after the final AP test is taken, a barbeque is hosted down by the softball field and tennis courts. Hot dogs and hamburgers are served as main dishes, and sodas, chips, and other snacks are provided as sides. This year, we played wiffle ball, kickball, volleyball, spikeball, played catch with softballs, baseballs and a football, hit in the batting cages for a little bit, and just hung out with friends, enjoying the break.

     After an amazing year, I think we all deserve this summer off. Congratulations to the graduating class of seniors, and have a great summer, Cadets!

Assemblies: At Eisenhower, we’ve had a tradition of having assemblies all throughout the school year. The first assembly is usually an introduction to the year, a welcoming to the incoming freshmen, and an acknowledgment of the current year’s senior class. During the year, there are other assemblies, mainly to catch up on information, to celebrate important events and holidays, or to just get together as our Cadet family. There are also assemblies for each sports season.



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