Fun Filled Follies

The Follies were a massive success! What are they? The Follies are a fundraising talent show to showcase our incredibly talented cadets. In total, there were 14 different performers, with a total of 16 acts. The displayed talent included: singing, dancing, competitive pom routine, ukulele playing, piano playing, violin playing, guitar playing, and drum playing. Every act was met with incredible applause to the performers. It was a wonderful night.

     The Follies may seem brand new, but they have been around for a while. They had been around Eisenhower since 2013 before Covid shut it down. According to Ms. Kaschmitter, “Follies started because the talent show has always been kind of hit and miss, and Eisenhower is full of such amazing talent. I wanted to create something consistent to showcase that.” And that is exactly what was created. 

     This show took a lot of work to coordinate. Ms. Kachmitter says, “To put it together, I would say probably a good month combined. We had to write the script; we had to advertise, we had to host auditions, check in with people, assign jobs, practice those jobs, do tech rehearsals so there is quite a bit that goes into it.`` The fact that it only took about a month to put this amazing show together is an incredible accomplishment. To create a show that people want to go see and are left wanting more when they leave is very impressive to do with little time to prepare. 

     Typically, the Follies are not fundraising for anything specific, but this year there was something to strive for. This coming spring, the choir, and orchestra will have the opportunity to travel to New York City to perform in Carnegie Hall. The Follies were a way to support that. In total, about $1,500 was raised from the show. Kaschmitter states, “Follies mean opportunity.” This year, the Follies were an opportunity for our talented students to perform on a stage and for the choir and orchestra kids to fundraise for Carnegie Hall. If you would like to support the choir and orchestra in performing in New York City, please consider donating! There is a QR code available, or talk to Ms. Kaschmitter in room 118. Any amount helps. It means the world to the choir and orchestra students. 

This year's Follies were an incredible show to watch and be a part of. Everyone who helped or performed did fantastically. Wonderful job, Cadets!




Ike Fundraising 


Eisenhower’s Photo Club