Wojtek: The Bear Soldier

The brown bear Wojtek (VOY-tek), the ammunition-carrying bear, was born in 1942, Syria. When Wojtek was a small cub, his mother was shot by hunters. This bear later showed up being sold to the Polish Army. A Polish unit has taken Wojtek as a morale booster. Later becoming an ammunition carrier, due to picking up a box filled with ammunition, because he was copying the members of the unit. It is said that Wojtek never dropped a single thing as an ammunition carrier. Wojtek was also endeared to members of the Polish unit when he alerted them to a spy among the unit.

In 1943, Wojtek needed to board a vessel in Europe, but in order to do that, Wojtek needed to be enlisted into the army, so he was drafted. Wojtek enlisted into what is now known as the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish II Corps. And he was given the rank of Private with his own paybook and serial number, as well as double rations. During some time, Wojtek was introduced to drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes. 

During 1944 a bloody battle at Monte Cassino was raging. In the midst of chaos was Wojtek carrying ammunition such as artillery shells from the front lines and back to the supply area. After the battle, the company changed their patches to Wojtek carrying a shell. Wojtek’s deed earned him the rank of Corporal, within the 22nd Artillery Supply Company of the Polish II Corps.

After the end of World War II in 1945, the bear Wojtek was transported to the Edinburgh Zoo; however, the rest of the 22nd company was transported to Berwickshire, Scotland. The Poland government wanted Wojtek to live at a Poland zoo; however this was fought against, and Wojtek got to live in the Edinburgh Zoo.

In 1963, Wojtek passed away, possibly due to damage in the esophagus from swallowing cigarettes. Wojtek lived 21 years and became a hero. He also has been given a documentary talking about his history, it was called, “Wojtek: The Bear That Went to War” (2011).


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