Freshmen, I’m Talking to You

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The school year has begun, and it’s time for a guide on what to expect and how to look out for yourself. Sophomores, I’m going to include you in on this too, because you guys were barely here your first year. 

Let’s start with the Do’s first.

DO: Your schoolwork. Don’t slack just because it’s freshman year, you’ll regret it. Maintaining good grades throughout your freshman year is an important starter for the rest of your high school career

DO: Let go of toxic friendships from middle school. So what, you’ve been with this person through middle school and can't dream of letting them go? If they’re draining you mentally it’s okay to drop them. You WILL make new friends in high school. Even if you’re social only 1% of the time.

DO: Extracurriculars. Whether it’s a school club or even a part-time job, take it. It’ll distract you from the crushing anxiety and depression that the education system puts on your shoulders. Seriously, though, I would rather go work part-time instead of sitting at home overthinking or procrastinating on my English homework. Getting involved makes high school worth it.

DO: Find a table at lunch. Every lunch, there are at least a thousand students chaotically moving around in the commons. Find your friends, find a table, and claim it for the rest of the year. It’ll save a lot of time panicking trying to find your friends, and you won’t make anyone annoyed if you keep hopping to different tables.

DO: Go to home games and Jamborees. Whether it’s to see your friends, enjoy an obviously unprofessional game, or yell at the refs and eat hot dogs below the stadium, it’s worth it. 

DO: Ask for help. I GUARANTEE you that it’s not a dumb question. It’s cliche, but other people probably have the same question. You’re not gonna lose swag points for asking questions. 

DO: Bring snacks, ONLY IF your teachers allow you to. I was lucky enough to have teachers who, for the most part, let you eat small snacks in class. On any given day, I have at LEAST 2500 calories hiding somewhere in my backpack. 

DO: Bring headphones if you can. For lunch, slow days in classes where teachers let you listen to music while working, walking home, or to tune out that ‘joke of the day' every single morning that drives me insane (no hate to Jordan or Taylor). Headphones are a lifesaver; always have them on you.

DO: Branch out! Try new things, preferably not drugs. High school’s an experience, so experience it as much as you can. 

DO: Pass cadet Connections. It’s a requirement to graduate. It’s not even a big workload, just fill out whatever paper they give you and you’re good. 

Now here’s what NOT to do.

DONT: Walk slowly in the hallways or in a horizontal line with your friends. Someone gets out late, their class is across the school, but they’re blocked by a line of 5’2 freshmen who are chatting about the state fair walking a singular mile an hour? I would scream. 

DONT: Vape or Juul in the bathroom. Do I even have to explain myself? It’s just not smart. They have and will shut down certain bathrooms for the day. Let me ask you, do you really want to be that kid who closes the bathrooms for the day?

DONT: Sprint in the hall. Hallways require a natural flow. This might seem hypocritical, but there is a max to how fast you’re moving through the hallways just as much as there’s a lower limit. 

DONT: Fight. This one may be unpopular for people who like watching school fights, but if you’re thinking of fighting someone at school: Don’t. It saves a ton of time on both ends, and do you really want to sit through 30 minutes of a school official telling you that ‘you’re more mature than this’? Not to mention, if you lose and it’s recorded? You’d better believe that video’s making rounds through the school population.

DONT: Be a freshman dating a senior. There are rarely any exceptions. The only one I can think of is that the freshman is old for their grade (15) and the senior is young for theirs (high 16). Other than that very specific situation, avoid it. Senior’s, I’m talking to you, too. Don’t be that dude. It’s embarrassing.

These are 50% satirical, so don’t worry if you do a couple of the lesser evils occasionally. (That does NOT mean I’m encouraging you to fight or shut down the bathrooms occasionally.) These are just a couple of things to keep in mind as you go throughout high school to make your experience more enjoyable for everyone.


Wojtek: The Bear Soldier
