Follies 2 Electric Boogaloo 

      Follies 2 Electric Boogaloo was a hit! The event was a multimedia talent show representing our wonderful Cadets and staff. It took place in the Eisenhower Auditorium on May 26th, 2023. We had incredible acts ranging from singing to our IKE Dance team and drumline performing. The show mainly consisted of singing, dancing, and instrumental skills being presented. Even if you are not particularly interested in things like that, there was something for everyone. It was a diverse set of acts. Follies 2 Electric Boogaloo took so much preparation and dedication to make the event what it was, and it was truly outstanding. Blood, sweat, and tears went into this event and it was worth it. (The blood was an accident, but worth every drop).

The whole night was 80’s themed: 80’s hair, 80’s skits, 80’s outfits, the whole shebang. The 80’s themed skits in between acts got quite a laugh and made the night overall more enjoyable. Many of the skits performed revolved around the IKE Drama Camp happening this summer.

     IKE Drama Camp is a program for incoming 1st-9th graders to learn singing, dancing, and acting skills from the cast of The SpongeBob Musical. It is $100 per camper, June 20th-23rd. Talk to Stephen Clark in room 116 if you have any younger siblings that may be interested. 

     But the money was never a priority; it was all about giving kids a chance to show a part of themselves they may not have shown before. This being one of the last arts department events of the school year, it was such an honor and pleasure to watch and be a part of. It went extremely well and was such a fun experience for everyone involved. Having staff members such as Mr. DeWitt and Mr. Samson participation was such a treat and really helped bring the night together. As someone personally involved with the performing arts department, it means so much to be a part of something so inclusive and collaborative. Follies 2 Electric Boogaloo gave people something to look forward to and provided an opportunity to showcase their talents.



Class of 24!


Different From What is Usual