Why Are There So Many Missing Children?

Kidnapping is an unlawful thing that people do; I've always wondered why. And how many have there been? What is their motive? Is it a family matter? A mental illness that they just have the urge to take someone and do awful things to them. There have been many kidnappings in WA. I have been researching many, but some that have caught my attention was the kidnapping of Sky Metalwala. Sky Metalwala was a three-year-old male at the time of his kidnapping.  Three! Can you imagine that he was taken away from his family at three years old? He has still not been found; his kidnapper hasn't asked for any ransom money, the motive of most kidnappings.

Another motive they might have is sexual pleasure. In the Oakley Carlson case, she was only four years old and taken from her family. Once she was found, it was proven that she had different mens’ DNA inside her. How disgusting can a man be to take a little girl and use her for their body? She probably isn’t even able to speak a full sentence. Don't get me wrong, not only do men kidnap, but there have been women who use little boys for sexual pleasure as well. Women also kidnap as well, like in this case. For example, in Detroit, a woman was caught kidnapping four children on their way to school. Police say they pulled over a woman running a red light when they discovered the four children, scared, sitting in the back seat. I think this is so disgusting because how can people do anything to a child? They are so innocent. 

Everything these children had to go through was so horrible. Thinking about what has been happening in this world sends a shiver down my spine.  As I research this and look at all the kidnappings, there are many reports of missing children, not just in Washington but worldwide. There are so many reports of missing children who still have not been found and some who were found in horrible conditions. 

I think people should be more aware that people steal babies from hospitals. For example, a baby only a couple of weeks old was taken from the nursery in a Missouri hospital. It was later found at 20 years old. This kid was probably so traumatized, and they are still under care. This is something that the world should be more aware of because many people leave their kids around without supervision. There have been many kidnappings in one year. There have been 840,000 in total. Imagine how many children get lost and tortured in one year.  Your child can be gone from you in a second, just like other children.  The principal motives for kidnapping are to subject the victim to some form of involuntary servitude, expose him to the commission of further criminal acts against his person, or obtain ransom for his safe release. Some are kidnapped by terrorist groups, others by criminal gangs. Criminals are looking to extort money. Terrorists might be looking for money, the exchange of prisoners, a policy change, or to gain propaganda. The motives vary from group to group, place to place, and over time.  From wherever you are standing or sitting reading this article, there have been about 2,300 kidnappings already.


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