How Rock and Roll Changed the World

The year was 1951, Rocket 88, the supposed first rock ‘n’ roll song to have been released. This song about a car, would change society for years to come. Many rock songs would come out, bringing about equality.

Chuck Berry nicknamed, “Father of Rock & Roll” was an inspirational figure that went on to refine rock & roll by focusing on teen life, and consumerism. Not only that but Chuck Berry refined rock & roll by making it distinctive, which was done through rhythm and blues. The reason why he was named “Father of Rock & Roll” was because of that, redesigning the genre. Chuck Berry created many songs such as Johnny B. Goode, Carol, and Maybellene.

  Elvis was an American singer who was born on January 8th, 1935, in Tupelo Mississippi. He grew up in a small two-room house built by his father. Presley started his career by taking random jobs and singing locally as the, “Hillbilly cat”. The man ended up meeting Colonel Tom Parker who became his manager, and went on to work with the RCA (Radio Corporation of America). Elvis went on to make many songs, such as, In the Ghetto, a favorite of quite a few students at Ike, he also went on to make, Hound Dog, If I Can Dream, and Jailhouse Rock, as well as many more. Elvis came to be an influencer tracking in immense crowds and changing the face of America. Elvis was seen in the media as rebellious. Elvis soon became the voice of the youth as some call it. He also helped with desegregation and civil rights during his time.

This would all ultimately help bring about equality, and change the world. Rock & Roll also has helped people to express themselves in new ways. This would bring about new styles, and new genres of music.


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