The Rise of Ghost

Recently, a trend has been going around for two songs from a certain band. One song is ‘Mary On A Cross,’ and the other is called ‘Year Zero.’ These songs are made by Ghost, a Swedish rock band with a twist on the Roman Catholic theme. On Spotify, the band has 12,057,853 monthly listeners, and the song ‘Mary On A Cross’ currently has 140,605,826 views. ‘Year Zero’ currently has 50,809,257 views, although not as many as the other one; it still has 3.9k videos on Tik Tok using lyrics from the song. 'Mary On A Cross' has gained popularity thanks to the lyrics, "Your beauty never ever scared me." People use this to support those struggling with insecurities, or they use it to show their love and how they aren't afraid of someone being different, unlike how other people chose to hurt this person.

     'Year Zero' has a less serious trend, where the lyrics, "Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer." are repeated, and people edit memes over each name shown. I've seen people use photos of their pets with energy that radiates chaos and mischief.

     If you’re into rock bands like this, here are other great songs from Ghost: ' Rats’, ‘Crucified,’ ‘Hunter’s Moon,’ and ‘Watcher In The Sky.’ You can also give their newest album, ‘IMPERA,’ a try. It was released on March 11th, 2022. The songs overall are pleasant to listen to on car rides or with friends with similar tastes in music. I believe that Ghost is gaining popularity because of how different they are from other bands and how they can change their style and make their own genre without skipping a beat. Each album is unique in its own way, and with each one, I notice that Ghost doesn't hesitate to try new sounds. The costumes that each member has for every album are to make them look interesting and add to the storyline, but to remain anonymous and to draw attention towards the music. These Nameless Ghouls all surround one higher being, Papa Emeritus, and as time goes on, a new Papa Emeritus comes on stage. You'd have to see the live shows yourself; their costumes, along with the music are pretty cool.



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