Jason Taylor 

The 2024 Eisenhower Track season is off and rolling and approaching its end. One runner seeking a state appearance this year is Jason Taylor, a senior who finished one place short of such an appearance last year in the 800 at the district meet.

     Jason joined the Ike track team after covid, and when asked why he wanted to join track in the first place, he said, “ I joined track to go compete”. After three years of running, he said, “My best event is the 800 meters.” His goal coming into this year is “to break 1:55” in the 800, which would be 5 seconds faster than his personal record at the beginning of the season. He also said, “I’m going to put in a lot of hard work” over the course of the season to get that time. When asked what he thinks of the coaches on the team he has worked with for three years, he said, "I love the coaches; they’re great.” When asked what he thinks about the track team for this 2024 season, he said that “ the track team looks pretty strong this year.”

     This Friday, Jason Taylor and the rest of the Eisenhower track team will compete in their last regular-season track meet. Right after school, they will be at Ike for the Inter City Championship. This meet would be a great time to support Eisenhower athletes like Jason, seeking to make districts and possibly state this year. 



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