Love the Game

     In the world of youth sports, true love for the game is a controversial topic.

Many people believe that sports are a pathway for kids to stay in shape, meet new friends, and learn life lessons. While these are all benefits of youth sports, some take it even a step further.

     For a select group of individuals, sports become their purpose, and can even go as far as serving as a job. Truly loving a sport, in my opinion, means that a large amount of the decisions you make or the actions you take; are based around your sport and it takes importance over all other hobbies. Oftentimes for these individuals, sports serve as an escape or a break from reality. Not only does it provide a space or time to focus solely on getting better at your craft, it also provides meaning and motivation that sometimes otherwise is lost in children and teenagers.

     On the other hand, sports are still widely used as social experiences and an opportunity to connect with others of the same age. Not everybody plans to try and go pro in their sport and not everybody really cares how they perform. For that group using the word “love” to describe athletics might be a stretch, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

I believe too often in today’s time, unfair expectations are placed on youth in

sports. While there is a select group that 100% needs that pressure and those

expectations, there needs to be balance and understanding in the fact that some simply do it for fun. With that being said, there needs to be acknowledgement of the difference between people who love the sport and people who do it for fun. The lovers of the sport who put countless hours and effort into being the best they can, should get further opportunities that individuals who don’t, it’s just the way it is.



Love for the Game


Love is the Joy in Sports