NFL Law Breakers

NFL Football Players can also get caught for not following the rules that go against the law. And I think people should know how great and bright the NFL players are from their little “innocent” Football Players because you know that everyone's not perfect so why give them the chance for them to seem the great and mighty brightest like it doesn’t make sense. Yes, they do have talent but why can’t people see the bad side about them and see how “perfect” they are because they get treated the best over anyone else in the world. Yes, they do a lot for communities but are they doing it for their own benefits or are they really doing it for others? That's just a question that they need to answer about whether it's for the community or for everyone to see that they are doing it for the good benefits for themselves?

     And for them doing that they either get sponsors from it or just to make people not see them as bad people and the real story is behind the things they get in trouble for and some NFL Football players try to cover it up so they don’t get all their football opportunities away because of the crimes they have convicted. And most recently the famous football player Marshawn Lynch got in trouble with the law for being caught with a DUI and there's so many recent arrest for so many NFL players for being in trouble with the law because they have not been at their best of selves, when people say they are the best and most professional athletes of all time but yet here they are getting in trouble with the law and now there's so many charges with a lot of pro-players nowadays, but yet they just get away with it and not really no one notices it because they get away with it because of all the good they do for the communities for others


2022 Ike Cross


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