History Made at the 2022 Gymnastics Championships

     For the first time in the history of gymnastics, 3 black women take the podium at the 2022 gymnastics championship. Konnor McClain in first place, Shilese Jones in second place, and Jordan Chiles in 3rd place. They were all super close with first and third place having a difference of only an eighth of a point. Anyone can achieve greatness as long as they put the work in, it doesn’t matter their gender or race. Black women have been doubted or thought of as lower than other races. Their color shouldn’t change the way they are treated in not just sports, but life in general. 

     After the competition all three girls were interviewed to hear their thoughts about the competition

     “This is so unbelievable right now, it's so unreal and I honestly can’t believe it. I’m still in shock a little bit right now…I mentally wasn’t nervous but my body was shaky so it was a mixture of excitement and nervousness.” - Konnor McClain

     “Just to be here and have the opportunity to do that especially for my dad and my sister and my mom in the audience, it just feels amazing. I've been wanting to showcase and hit four for four.” - Shilese Jones 
“I wanted to come into this competition just hitting four for four honestly and that’s what I did whether or not the outcome was great or bad.” - Jordan Chiles
Just when you might think that is the only history made at the championship, there is actually more than just that. Along with three black women sweeping the podium, both Jade Carey and Jordan Chiles were both the first U.S Olympic female gymnasts to return after a full collegiate season since the NCAA started in 1982. This is recognized because collegiate gymnasts usually don’t return to Olympic championships until they are completely done in college, not in between seasons. 
“It feels really good to be back here, it feels like it's been so long since I’ve been here but it really has only been a year but just so much has happened in the last year and I think today went really well.” - Jade Carey 
The final thing to be recognized about the 2022 gymnastics championship is that both Konnor McClain and Shilese Jones had their first competition without their dads there to watch. Unfortunately their dads passed away not too long before the championship. Both of them stated that they were happy that they get to continue to do gymnastics and make their dads proud even without them being there.   



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