What Happened to the Bathrooms?
Within the past year, a lot has changed at Eisenhower, such as wearing IDs for safety reasons or where you can enter and exit the building, but a major change that has happened on campus was with the bathrooms.
You used to be able to go to any of the bathrooms on school grounds without restrictions, but lately, that has become the complete opposite. Instead of being able to just ask and go to the bathrooms you now have to scan or give your teacher your ID number, and only a handful of students are able to go out at a time. Only two bathrooms will be open to students this year, and they aren't the happiest about it.
One of my good friends Kaysie voiced her opinion to me about this too. She disagrees with the new bathroom rules because she feels that it isn't fair to the rest of the students who haven't done anything wrong to cause the bathroom rules to be a thing. And yes, this has its pros, but the cons outweigh them a lot. A majority of students at Eisenhower don't think this is a good solution to fix the bathroom situation. This has become a bit annoying to students due to having to deal with consequences they shouldn't have to endure because of others not using their bathroom time wisely, smoking, and vandalism. With only two bathrooms it comes with struggles, too, like having that space very crowded, students not being able to stay within their time limit due to being far from the only open bathrooms, and people still not using their time in there appropriately. Another thing that happened to one of the main bathrooms was the mirrors being taken out. One reason was that girls would do their hair, but taking away mirrors wouldn't help the bathroom situation at all. This new rule has also made many students feel uncomfortable using the bathroom, leading to some people not even using the bathrooms at school.