Two Kids, Two Cents 

How should I defend my religion when people are talking bad about it, or should I teach what it is instead of defending it?

Richie: If something is important to you, stand up for it! If people are making fun of something that means a lot to you, they are probably not open to learning about it, but they may be open to hearing your point of view. Defend it. Teach about it if the opportunity arises. Stand your ground. 

Ethan: My fellow brethren, the threat of the heretical heathens is very much present and pervades our society. The time has come to embark on a holy crusade in order to vanquish the foretold “haters”. Join me or be cast on the wayside.

Should I ask this girl to be my girlfriend? We both have crushes on each other and we've been dating for a few weeks now, but I don't want to rush anything.

Richie: Honestly I think you should just do it. It seems like the situation is in the right spot. If you've been talking for about a month and she is still interested, go for it. If you know her from school, get to know her outside of school. Shoot your shot. You got this. 

Ethan: Let’em cook. Like a good brisket, the way to a good relationship is to take it low and slow. Be chill about it, let the flavors and aromas blend together in their complex chemistries. Whatever you do, don’t do anything until it's fully ready or else you risk spoiling it all. Keep it under wraps and let it sit.

What if I'm scared to get into a relationship?

Richie: It's normal to be afraid of something new. The bottom line is your comfortability is most important. You do not have to do anything, no matter what anyone makes you feel. If you are scared for valid reasons, don’t get into a relationship until you are ready. If you want a relationship and are just scared, pace yourself. You are not required to get into a relationship, but at some point, try and face your fears.

Ethan: Scare the relationship back. It’s honestly more afraid of you than you are of it. The key is to make yourself appear bigger than you actually are. Also, make sure you make lots of noise and use slow waving motions with your arms. If all else fails, throw sticks, stones, and other small objects in its direction. Remember that the most important thing is that you don’t take a step back or turn away from it.

How do I get a date for prom? Asking for a friend…

Richie: I am going to be so real with you, just ask someone. If they say no, ask someone else. Not everything is so serious. If you want to go to prom with someone just ask, “Hey, do you want to go to prom?”. It doesn’t have to be romantic. If everyone you want to ask says no, ask your friends and make it a friend outing. Just try and have a good night with people you enjoy.

Ethan: Homeslice. If your physique isn’t even half as top-heavy as Johnny Bravo, I suggest you go to the gym and bulk up. Nobody is going on no date until the gains are here. If I catch you on the leg press machine, I’ll twist your twig torso into a pretzel. We must stay focused, brothers.

What is the best way to learn something new?

Richie: Consistency. To really learn something new, you have to keep doing it over and over. It's that simple really. It doesn’t have to be an obsession, but doing it every once in a while keeps you interested.

Ethan: Just start doing something. Like a baby bird getting pushed out of their nest to get them to fly, the best way to learn is to just do it. Don’t know how to drive? Just start driving. You might kiss a few trees with your bumper but it’s all part of learning. Mistakes help you grow. Can’t weld? Grab your blowtorch and weld. Talk about trial by fire.

Is chivalry dead, and should I be chivalrous?

Richie: To be chivalrous is to be very polite, honest, and kind toward women as a man. I don’t think it is wrong to be chivalrous, but I don't see why it can't be towards everyone. Chivalry was named around 1170-1220 AD and was used to court a maiden to get married. It is outdated now, but I don't see the harm. However, if you are going to be kind to some people, you should be kind to everyone no matter their gender.

Ethan: Wherefore, young squire,  chivalry is but well and alive.  What reason doth thee has't to  not hold a door for a fair maiden or lay thy cloak down so thy wench won't wet that lady feet.  Chivalry is a sign of genteel and poshness.  Thee must beest chivalrous as sure as the sun doest setteth in the western sky. 

Is it worth dating in high school?

Richie: Depends on what you want out of dating. If you want to have a relationship to figure out yourself and what kind of people and traits you like, I say go for it (carefully). If you want to date just to get physical affection, I don’t think that's a very good reason. If you are going to date in high school, just make sure you are ready. High schoolers aren’t very good at relationships sometimes and you could get hurt.

Ethan: Dating is a lot like drinking. It’s expensive, feels weird at first, gives you headaches, and probably shouldn’t be done by people under 21 unless you know what you’re doing. Assess yourself before making a decision lest you hurt yourself or someone else.



Misogyny Persists 


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