One Bad Moment 

After years of playing in sports, I still find it unbelievable how unsportsmanlike players can be. Whether it be because of a bad call, a missed opportunity or built up anger, some people like to lash out at and take their anger out on others. Now, sportsmanship is the “fair and generous behavior or treatment of others, especially in a sports contest”, including players, coaches, and viewers. But unfortunately, there have been moments in life where we all have experienced bad sportsmanship at a young age.

     Back in 2019, I was playing a football tournament in Matawa, Washington called the Rumble on the River. We had been scoring for the entirety of the first half, and after half time, we were receiving the ball. The ball was brought out a little ways, and we were now on offense. On the first play, the ball was run for a touchdown. But, after the whistle had blown and the play was over, the boy I was blocking decided to take a cheap shot. He butted his helmet under my chin, chipping my two bottom teeth, and, due to the injury, I had to leave the tournament.

     Cypress House gives us the four main reasons for unsportsmanlike behavior: “(1) professional athletes serving as poor role models; (2) parents allowing their children to act inappropriately, thinking that misbehavior is part of the game; (3) coaches focusing too heavily on winning; and (4) people generally lacking civility toward one another.” One of these that truly stood out to me was that parents take control of how their children act during sporting events. I understand that sports are a large part of a child’s life, but, in all seriousness, athletes need to be able to block out any negativity from and towards other participants.

     After experiencing what I did, I began to see the unsportsmanlike behavior of everyone around me. Even today, I don’t understand why that kid had to react that way. Sure his team was down, but taking your anger out on others is never the right way to go about things. Negative reactions will only bring yourself down, as well as the other people around you.



Make A Difference 


Life as An Adolescent