Two Kids, Two Cents: Valentines Day!

What do you give a guy for Valentine's day?

Richie: This may not apply to every guy, but getting your valentine flowers could make their day. Guys tend to not get flowers as often as other genders, so flowers may be a fun surprise. Any other cliche valentine gifts like teddy bears or chocolates may also have the same effect. If you know this person well, I would say to get something personal to them. Maybe write them a kind letter about how you appreciate them.

Ethan: Giving a guy a dead mouse or bird is one of the best ways to show your affection for them (bonus points if you killed it yourself ). This practice has been done by house cats to their owners for generations with tremendous success. We could learn a thing or two from them.

I have feelings for a girl, but she does not want to be in a relationship right now. What should I do? Do I tell her my feelings, or do I wait until she says that she is ready?

Richie:  What are your intentions in telling this person you are interested in them? Figure out what you want. If you know that it does not align with what they want, I don’t see any reason to bring it up. I would say wait until she is ready. She may not want to lose you as a friend as you don’t want to lose her, so don’t jeopardize the friendship.

Ethan: Speak your mind about it. It’ll eat you from the inside like a ravenous hyena if you let it sit in your gut. Trust me, from personal experience, you don’t want to have a hyena inside of you for many, many reasons. The worst thing that can happen is that she says no. All that weight being lifted from your shoulders will be so relieving. Almost as relieving as when I finally got that hyena surgically removed.

How do I tell if someone likes me? And if they do, how do I explain to them that I'm not interested in them that way?

Richie: If someone has not explicitly told you they want a relationship with you, explaining that you aren't interested is not necessary. There isn’t a problem with sprinkling it in a conversation, but it does not have to be its own conversation. Let them build the courage to tell you their feelings. If they never do, then there is no problem. If they do tell you their feelings for you, explain to them your situation.

Ethan: Oftentimes, when a person likes you, they’ll always want to be around you, talk to you constantly, and maybe get on your nerves a little bit to tease you. Now, obviously, this can go both for a friend and a more than a friend, so you’ll have to take your chances with it. Either you sort things out or you have an awkward conversation (I won’t say which is for which it can go either way).

What do I do if the boy I have liked for a long time finally wants to be with me, but now that we’re talking he’s giving me the MAJOR ick?

Richie:  People aren’t always the way they are made out to be. If someone is worse than you expected, you are not required to have a relationship with them. Your comfort around this person is a priority. If they make you feel uncomfortable, break it off or talk to them about it. It may be disappointing to learn that someone you adored for so long is not as you expected, but accepting and moving on is the best move to make.

Ethan: Ick? More like your mind is playing tricks. People go through phases and this could be one of them. Give the ugly duckling a chance. It’ll be worth it.

I really want to talk to this guy that I am interested in, but I am too scared of rejection to say anything. What should I do?

Richie:  It is definitely normal to be scared, but that shouldn’t hold you back. Afterall, rejection is a normal part of life. If you really want to talk to this guy, here is what you should do: Prepare yourself, find the confidence to approach them, and be straightforward. Express yourself clearly. You got this!

Ethan: Who said you had to talk to them? Flying a blimp overhead with a banner reading “Will you be my valentine?” does the job just as well. Blimp hard to come by? Well just attach a couple of balloons to a car and it’ll work just fine. It may take more than three or four but just set aside a whole afternoon to blow up balloons and you should be good.

I need advice on talking to women. It's not something I'm particularly good at…

Richie:  Women are people. They may seem intimidating, but they are just another person. Talk to them as you would talk to anyone else. Authenticity is important when talking to someone new. Talk to them as a friend. Not every conversation has to be flirtatious or have a greater purpose. Engage in a conversation. Ask questions to get to know them better. Listen to what they have to say and be respectful of it.

Ethan: The way to talk to a woman is to think like a woman. Learn their ways, their customs, their language, their habits, and their culture, and you’ll be able to talk to them as if they weren't a completely different species. 



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