Two Kids, Two Cents 

What should I do if I have too much on my plate, but I don't want to give up any of the activities I'm involved in?

Richie: Plates are meant to be filled. Overflowing, if you will. Take a buffet for example; if you are not going back for more after you've already had way more than enough, is it even worth it? Just eat everything up and refill your plate.

Ethan: Unfortunately, this isn’t a “have your cake and eat it too” situation. You’re going to have to stop doing something or else you’ll burn out. That doesn’t mean to quit everything: it’s about a balance between keeping yourself busy and not overworking yourself. It can be hard at times to figure out what to prioritize and what to set aside. I like to ask myself “Does this give me joy when I do it?”. If it does, it's worth considering keeping it. Otherwise, it might be time to step back.

What should I know about going into the workforce? Should I be scared?

 Richie: You should constantly be afraid. Every workforce is composed of three things: ghouls, ghosts, and goblins. Speaking from personal experience, those ghosts are not hesitant to yell, “BOO!” any chance they get. Be careful and watch your back.

 Ethan: The workforce can be overwhelming. More than likely, it’s going to be different from what you’re used to in high school. The added degree of independence and responsibility can be daunting for some. However, that could also be a blessing. You are truly your own person. The decisions are yours to make. The possibilities are endless with the right resources and the time.

How do I respectfully tell my boyfriend's mom to stop telling me what to do and to back out of our relationship?

 Richie: You know what isn’t rude? Driving. If someone happens to get in the way when you are driving, that is not your fault! What were you supposed to do? Stop? That would be a danger to other cars! The best course of action is to go for a nice sunday drive near your boyfriend's house, and whatever happens, happens. *Two Kids, Two Cents™ is not liable for actions taken as a result of reading this column. Comments regarding the content of Two Kids, Two Cents™ can be made to (509) 853-5915*

 Ethan: The best way to tell someone to back off is just by politely saying that you feel that they’re overstepping and you need some space. At the same time, having his mother’s advice can be helpful. Mothers have lots of experience in dating and boys. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be mothers. As an added bonus, your boyfriend’s mother is someone who knows him very well and can offer you insights on different aspects of having a relationship with him. It’s all about that balance between helicoptering and mentoring.

How do I become more social, without being an annoying social butterfly?

 Richie: What do you have against butterflies? If anything, everyone should be MORE like butterflies. To start, surround yourself in a layer of silk and stay there for about two to four weeks. When you emerge, you will be a butterfly human hybrid that will attract a ton of attention. Everyone will be shocked and perplexed by the atrocity of human wings, they will talk to you and you won't have to do a thing.

 Ethan: Just start talking to people. Try engaging in conversations and just socializing with others. On the other hand, don’t try too hard in engaging other people. Nothing is worse than a chatty person wanting to be the center of attention. Keep it cool. Keep it casual. With practice, you’ll get there.

How to stop overthinking?

 Richie: Just think about- I mean don’t think about… just bottle it all up. Wait, no, not that. Uhhhhh… I dont know. You’ll figure it out. Just give it a little more thought.

 Ethan: Stop, take a step back, and take a deep breath. Four seconds in through the nose and four seconds out through your mouth.

What should I say if I feel uncomfortable with what someone says, without being rude?

 Richie: You don't have to be rude per se, you just have to act like something more intimidating. Act like a New Yorker. The average New Yorker does not mind what people think about them, so they say anything. If you are uncomfortable with something, the correct response (according to New Yorkers) is, “Hey! I’m walking here!”. Those words shouted at the top of your lungs are sure to make someone back off.

 Ethan: It’s difficult being offended and not coming off as rude about it. Let them know politely that you don’t like what’s being said and ask to move on from the subject in a civil manner. Stay calm and step away if you need to.

How do you start and keep a conversation with a friend you haven't talked to in a while?

 Richie: Asking questions is the best way to go, and consistency is how you keep long lasting friendships. Ask the same questions every day to keep them wanting more. Ask questions like, “Where were you during the last full moon?” “What are your thoughts on silver bullets?”. Complement them too! Use common phrases like, “What big teeth you have!”. These are sure to rekindle your friendship.

 Ethan: Sending a quick text like “Hey it’s been a while how’s it going?” is a great way to get the ball rolling. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but you could also invite them to hang out with you for a morning or an afternoon. Spending time in person with them will definitely rekindle your guy’s friendship. Afterwards, make sure to be consistently in contact with them to ensure that this momentum doesn’t fizzle out. 



My Life’s Harder! No, Mine is! 


It’s Time to Act