Social Media: Pros and Cons


We all know social media has taken part in our everyday lives, whether good or bad. Firstly, social media has a significant impact on today’s society, and it takes a heavy toll in some cases. For example, Cyberbullying is a common occurrence worldwide, and most teens have been exposed to social media at an early age while others are new to it. Studies show that kids start a social media account roughly around the age of 12; however, are we aware that it’s affecting us profusely? 

As a teen myself, I’m well aware that today’s technology is taking all my attention away from the real world, and maybe, this isn’t just directed towards teenagers. This can go for adults and younger children as well. Kids nowadays get inspired by many trends that lay on the surface, some can be good, and some can be bad. For example, the toxicity and negativity that other people post on the web. These kinds of things can damage someone’s perception of technology, and many of us use social media to our advantage. So we have an excuse to bully others online merely because we’re hiding behind a screen. I think that’s a cowardly move. These are all great examples of adverse effects. Technology in general already has its pros and cons, so let’s move on to the positive aspects of our topic. Social media allows us to engage in many platforms and whatnot. I’m sure we know that by now, but it also lets us stay connected to the current news and what is happening around the world.  

A great example is staying in touch with a close one when they’re away. Texting, calling, and all the above is usual for this. I think everyone can use this to their advantage in a positive manner. Another positive thing can be learning online, whether it's a language, mathematics, guitar, etc. There are limitless options and opportunities you can achieve with the help of the media, not to mention, it’s possible to make a profit off of a website that you created. All these things I just said usually lead you to a great path, and if you think about it, it can even lead you to success! all thanks to our advanced technology and social media. In conclusion, your social media experience mainly revolves around how you choose to use it, so make wise decisions and have fun!


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