We Are IKE …Right? 

    Eisenhower High School is home of the mighty cadets, and has been since 1957, long before most of our time. Countless generations have gone to this school, and the school has changed drastically. From different sports, arts and entertainment, and even education countless things have changed and it’s clear the change is going to keep happening. But is it changing for the better or for worse?

    Now I wish to start with some really great positives that this school brings us. They offer countless opportunities for us to help improve our lives now even later in life. Never have I seen a school be focused on helping its students till now. My grandparents, parents and even cousins never had this much support. Along with that they are countless activities for students to try with classes and clubs. If you are into working with the environment then the environmental club is for you, or you want to get into chess then chess club (shocker I know the club on chess is chess). Plus the amount of assemblies we have is great for students who just want a break from classes. However with these positives, there are some negatives.

    Every positive comes with a negative rather it would be a lot or a little. First one is a big no-brainer: the bathroom issue. Countless days where bathrooms for one reason or another either graffiti or because one too many kids smoked in there. It causes problems as countless kids need to use the bathroom but can’t because all these bathrooms are locked and can cause serious health problems, such as bladder infections, and could lead to accidents. Along with this, the dress code here is out of control. It seems like the only way it’s enforced is if some kid has the N-word on his shirt, forcing security, or even staff to tell them to cover it. Half the time I can’t even tell if people just wake up and sloppily throw on old rags or forget a belt because of the outrageous clothes kids wear here. Also out of control is the ID situation. Personally, I could care less about wearing my ID. If i remember, I’ll wear it, but if I don’t, I have a spare in my wallet. However, the problem isn’t the ID, its the fact that the rule is hardly enforced. We are told it’s for our safety, and yeah, the first week it was enforced, but the moment kids were going to the office in herds, they started caring less and less with our safety now seem like an optional thing rather than a requirement. But why are these negatives here? It’s because of us; we are the problem.

    Now I know what you’re thinking, how are we the problem? Well I’ll tell you. The reason why bathrooms are locked is because countless students are trying to vape in the bathroom to fuel the addiction to something where if they did anywhere else their parents would be contacted and even in legal trouble. I’ve had kids bang on stalls while I was in them because they were suffering from what I can only assume is a nicotine withdrawal. It seems like more of a crime to use the bathroom for its actual purpose than to use it to smoke weed or vape. Along with that, the dress code problem is because of us. To many kids wearing basically nothing because they want to seem cool, and are trying to be some sort of wannabe gangster but instead they look like they forget their belt at home while rushing to school. The reason we have restricted assemblies is because we can’t behave ourselves for even one second without acting like animals. We are why security is so strict because we try to beat the face in of some guy who said something slightly rude. So quit trying to blame our teachers and staff who don’t get paid enough to deal with your crap, and make that change to Eisenhower, or even your life in general, because high school lasts only 4 years. However you treat it will set you up for the rest of your life.



Why Therapy? 


Seniors, the Time is Now