Turkish Traditions

From generation to generation, from Central Asia to Anatolia, other nations introduced their culture to Turks and Turks adopted their traditions but did not forget their own traditions as well. Although these traditions, some of which have come from Islam, some from Shamanism, and some from a different culture, may seem normal to us now, it may seem very weird or interesting to you. Let's take a closer look at some of these traditions, shall we?


Salty Turkish Coffee for Groom-to-Be

     In Turkey, if someone wants to marry, the boy must take girl’s father permission. It is kind of blessing, but it is much more complicated in Turkey. When the boy and his family arrive, the girl goes to the kitchen and starts making Turkish coffee. Turkish coffee has very special place in everywhere and especially in this ceremony. Turkish coffee is served to everyone who is at home at that moment. But boy's coffee is different from others. By tradition, the girl puts salt in the boy's coffee. The boy should drink all the coffee.

     The boy's drinking this salty coffee shows his devotion to the girl and his love for the girl. The marriage of them depends on the girl’s father.  Things were different in the time of the Ottoman Empire. In the time of the Ottoman Empire, if a girl puts salt in a man's coffee, it is a sign that the girl loves someone else. It is not known where this tradition, which has been in our culture for years, came from.

Knocking on the Wood

     Turks, who were a nomadic nation when they were in Central Asia, used to hit trees to drive out the evil spirits in the forest when they entered the forests they had not entered before. At this time, this tradition is done when something bad happens or after something bad is spoken. In general, after what is spoken, an earlobe is pulled, and an object made of wood is struck three times. If we do this, we believe that that bad thing will go away from us and will not happen to us.

Spill the Water 

     As in all nations, water is a blessing and sacred for Turks as well. If water spills behind someone who is leaving, it means go and come back quickly. Of course, water is not spilled after every person who goes, but it is said that person should go and come like water



Writing Names Under Bride’s Shoes

     This tradition is like throwing flower tradition. In someone’s wedding, unmarried people write their names under the Bride’s shoes. After the wedding, they look under the shoes. According to tradition, those who are erased will be the first to marry after that wedding.


Evil Eye Bead

     The place of the evil eye bead is extremely important in Turkish culture. Turks believe that the evil eye bead protects them from evil things, and according to the belief of Shamanism, which is a monotheistic religion and a belief system, evil eye bead protect them from evil spirits. In old Turkish, “nazar” (evil eye) means one that is looked at with the eye. Therefore, its shape resembles an eye.  

They are weird indeed. But they are not the only one. They are just an example for this crazy, weird and interesting Turkish culture. As strange as these are, these are the things that make Turkish people as Turkish people. If you ever go to Turkey one day, don't be surprised when you see these, okay?



Siamese Twins


“My Body My Choice” Thrown Out The Window