Cadets Unmasked

A return to normalcy. After almost two years with our faces hidden by masks, they are finally off, and we can finally breathe again in more ways than one. As of March 12, statewide mask requirements transitioned to mask recommendations for many Washington state indoor settings. Decreasing rates of infection and hospitalizations and high vaccination rates have allowed us to move into a new recovery phase of the pandemic. And, good thing too, we were all getting really tired of masks. 

     Here at Ike, we did not see the effects of this mandate lift until the following Monday. 

     It seemed the only thing that people could talk about was if they were going to wear a mask or not. A freshman confided that she was “really nervous. No one has ever seen my face here, and I'm scared people are going to judge me.” Masks have become everyone's new “normal'' and despite the shortness of breath that they cause, they became a comfort for many. Personally, I loved not having to be conscious of what my face was doing in public. With the new mask lift, anxiety was high. Freshmen and Sophomores had never seen the faces of their peers, and upperclassmen look nothing like their yearbook pictures from two years ago. Excitement and jitter coursed through the halls of Eisenhower.  

     On the first day, the school had a 50:50 split; half wearing masks, half not. By the end of the week, a vast majority of the student body wandered the halls with no mask. And wow, is it liberating! To be able to see, hear, and relate to classmates once again is like a breath of fresh air. I bet by the end of spring break, seeing a mask at Ike will be a rarity. However, some students and staff may be skeptical and want to continue to wear a mask, and their decision to do so should be respected.

     With the lift of masks also comes new freedoms. For the first time since the beginning of the year, the entire school got to come together once again. Two years of separation and segregation is too long. With all students and staff gathered in one place, our faces uncovered, it was back to the old days. We were the typical IKE family once again. Hopefully, we have many more assemblies to come, for we have a lot of catching up to do. The pandemic is approaching an end, and as the nation’s seeming return to normalcy demonstrates, some people are just ready to go back to the way things were before. 

      I'll leave you with this: Still, be cautious of yourself and of others. And remember, the pandemic is not over. We do not know what the future holds, whether it’s a new variant causing a re-up in mandates or a peaceful submission of Covid for good. But, we are on the right track so let's enjoy it while we have it. 



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