We Are All IKE!

The above picture is the most recent addition to the annual We Are Ike picture, where we all gather with the same attire and a big smile in order to make a time capsule of a school year. This tradition started back in 2017 when my sister was just a sophomore here at Ike, and now she is 21 and graduated from college. However, she still has the 2017 yearbook, which depicts that year's We Are Ike picture on the cover. These pictures are keepsakes. They bring students of all different grade levels and all different school cliques together into one space. There were about 1500 people in this year’s picture who were all smiling together. Thanks to this picture, we can look back on it years from now and smile together again.

     A free We Are Ike shirt was already given to everybody this year thanks to Eisenhower’s very own We Are IKE club has worked hard to make these things available to all students. Thanks to the Yakima School District’s CTE department, all students who want a yearbook this year can get one for free. You don’t see other schools doing these things. No other schools in the valley take these massive pictures, or give free shirts and yearbooks to everyone on this scale.     

     We’re lucky to be here together. I hope to continue to see everyone together at games, dances, and assemblies. Make it a great year guys, we’re finally back to a normal looking IKE. 



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