Climate Change is Not Going Away

Once again, Climate Change is a hot topic in the media today. Climate change continues to worsen every day and isn’t talked about until someone does or says something big enough to bring light to the situation again. This topic is being viewed as a trend, along with many other important topics, especially on social media. These “influencers” only bring light to these topics when it seems relevant. This time it’s finally being spoken about after scientists around America have been handcuffing themselves to National banks in the hope that people may finally listen to them. 

     It’s essential to educate people about climate change and the damages that it could cause our earth. It should be incorporated into schools to help change the speed of climate change. Young people who are heavily involved in social media can advocate for climate change and spread awareness about it. Social media influencers significantly affect their supporters; these supporters value these media influencers' views and advocacy. 

In the news today, it’s heavily prevalent that high-temperature extremes and heavy participation events are increasing while snow cover and glaciers are shrinking, the seas are rising, warming, and becoming more acidic; flooding is becoming more frequent. Burning fossil fuels is the number one cause of climate change and has more effect than any other human activity. Other big causes of climate change are the cutting down of forests and farming livestock. Some big ways you can make a difference are by speaking up, powering your home with renewable energy, reducing water waste, turning lights off, unplugging things out of outlets, etc…

     When you’re talking about something as big as climate change, especially in the media, there’s always some sort of skewed or lack of information that causes people to go frantic. Which causes an even bigger problem, such as people believing or sharing things that may not exactly be true. This can cause people to advocate in the wrong way or unknowingly share misinformation with millions of people. Especially because of how heavily supportive these people are towards these influencers, it could cause a lot of confusion, which generally makes people shut down and not do anything about it. 

     Social media is an amazing way to speak up about climate change and the horrible effects it has on our earth. So keeping up with news and learning accurate information is important and helpful even if it doesn’t get out to a bunch of people. It shows you are using your voice for good and using it to make a change. 



Restorative Justice


Adventurous America