Battlefield One: The Greatest Battlefield Game

Battlefield one is regarded as one of the best Battlefield games by many, and for a plethora of reasons. But what I believe are the three main reasons are: Diversity, Environment, and Gameplay. Diversity in Battlefield one is that you can play however you want across the entirety of World War One, Environment is the unique landscapes of the maps, And the overall Gameplay of Battlefield one is very engaging and immersive. There are a lot more reasons why people love this game but I think Diversity, Environment, and Gameplay are the most important reasons.

     First, let’s talk about diversity. As I said, diversity is that you can play across the world of WW1. In one game you could be in the deep and dark forests of the western front and in the next you would be in frozen fields of the eastern. You have a lot of different choices of where you play next, and the best example of this is in the Operations gamemode. In Operations you can choose from major parts of the war like, the Battle of Verdun, Gallipoli, the Brusilov Offensive and more. In all of these Operations you fight in a long battle that can turn tides at any moment. Operations is truly the best example of diversity in Battlefield one. But, there is also diversity in how you play. In all Battlefield games you can choose from either the Assault, Medic, Support, or Scout class, and all of these classes have a role in the field. The Assault class’ job is to blow up any problems that are in your way, the Medic heals and revives, the Support makes sure everyone has ammo and that everything is working, and the Scout scouts out enemies. Each class has a role to fill but that doesn’t mean you have to play in a specific way.

     Next, the environment of Battlefield one. Every map in the game is unique in its own way, for example the map Verdun heights. In Verdun heights you are surrounded by fire and gas, the land below you has been ravaged by shells and the only things left standing are the trenches and barbed wire that litter the battlefield, plus the sound of screams and gunfire can be heard across the land. Verdun heights is one of the most realistic maps in the game. Another great map would be Empire’s Edge. Empire’s Edge is unique because it encompasses both the land and sea, you are placed along the Adriatic coast with high mountain ranges to the west, fortactions and massive castles in front of you, and to the east the deep sea where naval battles rage. Empire’s Edge has to be the most unique map in the entire game. Lastly, and my personal favorite map, Rupture. Rupture is set on the Aisne river in France, and that’s what makes this map great is: On both sides of the river there are fortifications that span the entire map, with the only way to cross being a stone bridge. The stone bridge is in the center of the map which means that whoever controls the bridge controls the key part of the battlefield. This is the reason why I love this map. At any point during the game the tides can turn just based on who holds the bridge, plus with fighter pilots fighting overhead and cavalry running around there is never a clear outcome. So, the environment of Battlefield one is amazing and blends with the world of WW1 perfectly.

     Lastly, the gameplay of Battlefield one. Battlefield one has that generic first person shooter gameplay; you have a gun and you shoot the bad guy. But, Battlefield one adds a lot of different ways to keep the gameplay exciting. In most maps you will either find artillery or anti-air scattered across the map. The artillery can be used to get rid of a tank, destroy a building, or scare someone out of their hiding spot, and the anti-air is obviously used to take out any annoying planes in the sky. Plus, as the matches progress depending on which side is losing they will be given a behemoth. Now behemoths can vary depending on which map you're playing, it can either be a train, or massive airship, or a large tank. All these behemoths can turn the tide of the game in an instant for the losing team, and if you are the winning team you will have quite a difficult time. Lastly each class has an amazing amount of weapons to pick from, from pistols the size of three quarters to a giant rifle that can shoot holes into tanks. The gameplay almost never gets dull, and always keeps you on your toes.

     Battlefield one is a game with great diversity, stunning environments, and gameplay that keeps you in the action. Battlefield one is one my personal favorites, and I encourage you to go play it.



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