Crusader King: A Novel about Baldwin IV and the Crusades 

     Crusader King was written by Susan Peek and published in 2004, describing the feats of Baldwin IV's life and death. This book is a mix of fiction and history, taking some narrative liberty from the original story of Baldwin.

Crusader King is a short story about a Templar and a young king based on true history. One of our main characters, the prince, and soon after, the king, Baldwin IV, was bound to suffer a wasting disease soon after. He was king of Jerusalem from 1174 to 1185. Baldwin is a wise strategist and brave king, though overlooked for his young age.

     In Crusader King, we mainly follow Baldwin IV during his reign. From the age of 13, Baldwin had to worry about conflicts and coups amongst the nobility and the fierce force of his enemy, Saladin. Despite his illness, he was still active in political and military affairs, even riding to battle in crusades. Baldwin often led these charges head-on, even when sick and dying. He knew when to strike, hitting the enemies when distracted and scattered from rugged terrain or leading them away with counterattacks. His words inspired many there amid the battles, showing his strong will and ultimate loyalty.

     The story follows most of the main events in Baldwin and Theo's lives with short time skips. More significant skips are labeled at the top of the chapter for clarification, covering essential parts of their lives and moving on smoothly through the story. The dialogue is clear and descriptive but lets the mind imagine clearly, and the emotions are well-defined and relatable.

     This book introduces us to Theodore, a Templar, more commonly known as Theo. Sir Odo de Saint-Amand, the venerable grandmaster of the order, was like a mentor to Theo. Theo and Baldwin were early childhood friends. Being so close, Theo was the first to notice Baldwin’s deadly illness. Theo had always stayed by Baldwin's side, no matter how far, whether defending him in battle or praying for his health. Later in the book, Theo is accompanied by three other loyal Templars, ordered to protect the king.

     Our main character and beloved king of Jerusalem was bound to the throne at an early age. With his rule came a disease that would continue to eat away at his body until he could no longer function, leprosy. Through his blunted nerves and rotted body, he battles in impossible crusade with his men and even battles while blind and alone, eager to assist his people against such overwhelming odds. His sister, Sibyl, was hungry for power and always envied the throne, holding resentment toward her brother. Baldwin's mother was exiled when Almaric, Baldwin's father, rose to the throne. She resented him for this and hated Baldwin as much as she did his father for their semblance.

     The plot starts with Baldwin's early years with Theodore, where the two had their own discoveries and growth together. Once Baldwin was crowned, he was quickly thrown into the turbulence of the battle with Saladin and early threats of coups from the nobles around him. Baldwin's strong words filled his crusaders with strength for the upcoming battles, and Baldwin charges in all the same with them. Theo pursues his goal to become a Templar, having to loosen emotional attachments to those close to him. As Baldwin's health continues to decline, he still pushes on, never giving up the crown for fear of corrupt intentions getting the grasp on the dying kingdom. Baldwins shows his unwavering determination, military skill, and commitment to his people earned him respect in history. Baldwin brought hope, kindness, and loyalty to his people, always strong. At Baldwin's worst, he was not alone, for his people knew of his struggles, yet he still stands for them; these moments pull at the heartstrings. By the end of the book, the friendship between Theo and Baldwin is strong as ever, despite the circumstances.

     I believe the Theme of this book is Loyalty. Loyalty and hope, Baldwin shows his loyalty to his people through his great lengths to protect them even when sick and dying, when all senses become dull. The Templars stay loyal to their king, Theo especially. The loyalty of their people, the poor and sick, still loving Amalric and Baldwin all the same for their open arms. The loyalty of the people to their faith, some even willing to face the threat of death to stay with their beliefs. Baldwin follows his soldiers into battle, keeping hope even in dire situations. At the end of the book, this theme is especially present.

     The strength of this book hits hard, the emotional conversations between Baldwin and Theo, the conversations and plannings of the nobles behind the back of Baldwin, the hot climate of Jerusalem and how it affects the crusaders and templars plated in armor, and the parts that hit especially hard are the descriptions of Baldwin's loss in senses and the fear that comes with it, the fear of failing his people. This book was strong and carried a good, heavy story. Things that would be nice to see, or weaknesses, would be more detailed in the life of Theo, especially during his training to become a Templar and having more in-depth moments of the battles themselves. 

     I personally loved this book, and I loved hearing of the early days of Baldwin's life and the battles he led, either with strategy or a desperate attempt to protect the kingdom he loved so dearly. I found myself tearing up multiple times during this book, having to pause because of these vividly described moments of vulnerability, pain, and kindness. This whole book I hold close to my heart, the characters I look up to, in a way. When he was a child, he went out to gift the lepers with gold at his father's orders. Despite his fear, he greeted and held the sick like he would any other, kneeling and kissing their mangled palms and making them feel safe. (Chapter One) 

     I believe this book was intended for the audience was for teens and young adults, from the lack of too much detail in battle scenes, I can come to this conclusion easily. This certainly catered to my tastes, and it can appeal to anyone who would be open to the emotional journey of this story.



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