Fallout: What a Good TV Series? 

Fallout is a game based on if world governments couldn’t discuss things verbally and instead decided to press that big red button that says DON’T TOUCH. Since 1997, this game series has plagued our minds with one fear: nuclear apocalypse. The games have been a part of many people's childhood and adulthood because of this game, but the series since Fallout 76, a mainly dumpster game at launch. However, a TV show has come out in recent months and blown away new and old fans alike. I would like to note there may be minor and major spoilers in this article, so if you or a friend would like to watch the show before now, then it is time to do so.

    So, what makes the Fallout TV show so good? It's because they actually tried. Unlike most TV series based on games, it's faithful to the source material. The TV show takes place in the exact same universe. In fact, it takes place many years after the games and 15 years after 4.   This makes it hard to show old characters, such as the vault dweller from Fallout 1 or Harold.  However, sadly, this does the freedom of choice most of these games had, making it easy to know which ending is canon.

    The final thing I wish to bring up is the easter eggs to the games and how they are used. The show does feature easter eggs to the games, as it is a common thing for things like this to do. However, they don’t use it like most shows. For example, the Halo show would use this, and it made it seem like they only did it to get good boy points from people who played the game, and that’s the only thing they focused on. For example, the use of the fallout enemy type in the show. They do use some here and there, but you hardly ever see them. Like the brahmin, which is used once, and that's it. Or the super mutant on a wanted poster, which briefly appears as if they are not native to the region in this setting. The show uses these ways for fans to be like oh, cool, that's here, and that's it. Even the weapons are used this way. This is genius, as those viewers who enjoy looking for stuff like that can have a blast.

    So that’s it. The success of this show just came from a writer who wanted to be faithful to the source material and wanted to write a story in this amazing but chaotic world. And even you can do this if you try hard enough with a little effort.



Fallout: A Great Adaptation 


The Zone of Interest