Music Is Like Therapy

Music can help most of us with life and issues, by making us feel heard, describing feeling we weren't able to tell others ourselves, and basically either giving us a hug or a punch in the stomach as they call us out. And as you know, they have many benefits for us humans, or even animals!!

It is quite good for your heart. Research shows that blood flows more easily when music is played. As when you’re scared or stressed, your veins shrink. But music can reverse that effect. It can also help reduce heart rate, lower the pressure in your blood, decrease cortisol (which is a stress hormone) levels, and increase happy hormones in the blood, such as serotonin and endorphin. It elevates your mood. Music can boost the brain’s production of serotonin. This increased serotonin helps relieve feelings of anxiety and depression. Music is processed directly by the amygdala, which is the mood part of the brain and which controls emotions.

It reduces the stress and pain in your life. It can shut down biochemical stress reducers, and as I said can make you feel seen and heard. It calms the stress in your life and focuses it all on a tune. Pain doesn’t stand a chance!! If you were diagnosed with depression, music is said to help you. Like a pick-up with audio that makes you come out from your sad mental-coma. It’s a lot like exercise. Like running outside in the rain (if you like rain that is).

And the best one, it can help stimulate memories. There is no cure for for Alzheimer's or Dementia yet, but the music they had used to listen to or new music given to listen to can relieve some of its symptoms. They use music therapy, in which it helps calm a patient in an episode, and helps improve their mood and their communicative sides.

So if you do not have someone to talk to about your feelings, either listen to music, or do your best to find a way to relieve your emotions. What you go through isn’t your fault, and you should not feel bad about it! You’re amazing, and if you’re getting better, I'm very proud of you. You’re doing great!! Keep up the good work sunshine, your efforts matter!


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