Batman vs. Superman 

Batman vs. Superman is a very controversial question that many hate to answer because of the criticism received when they answer it and because of the die-hard fans out there who just hate them for no reason for their favorite superhero. It's like saying Batman can’t win because he’s a normal person, unlike Superman, who’s an alien with super strength and speed. Or saying Batman just needs a bit of kryptonite, and he can easily defeat Superman. I will answer the question with prep-time and no prep-time so I can say with confidence and detailed information on who is better.


     Batman, otherwise known as Bruce Wayne, is the owner of Wayne Enterprises but is also known as Batman. Born in Gotham, Bruce was born into a wealthy family and had the best butler known to man (Alfred), but everything changed on one fateful day. There was a BOOM! And a BANG! The bodies lay on the ground. Both of Bruce's parents lie dead on the streets of Gotham. Swearing vengeance for his parents' deaths, Bruce Wayne became “The Batman ''. Now, onto his feats. Despite having no powers, Batman has some inhuman feats, such as kicking down bricks and trees and even kicking a motorcycle in half. Batman also was able to withstand a small missile. Despite wearing armor that can protect him that is still above what average, NO beyond the average person can achieve, Batman’s greatest feat is his intelligence. He was able to outsmart beings like Darkseid and Martian Manhunter. Who has stated they have one of the greatest minds in the DC multiverse? Also, Batman isn’t Batman without his gadgets and suits, like the Batarang. Don’t underestimate the Bat-Shaped boomerang since it is shown to cut through steel. Despite that, Batman’s suits are where he truly shines. Like the HellBat, this bad boy has shown to have enhanced strength, super speed, create energy blasts, and even turn invisible. Or the Mech Batsuit, which makes it where he can tank such attacks. Batman also has access to the kryptonite suit and has kryptonite bata-rangs, as well as having a super-pill/platinum kryptonite, which gives anyone the abilities of Superman. Batman also carries contingency plans for his opponents that he has fought previously, like the Man of Steel, “Superman.” But even with all that, he has his weaknesses. He is human, after all, and it shows plenty of times that his emotions can get the better of him when he isn’t careful. As well as his suit's drawbacks, some superpowers can damage his body to the brink of death, like the HellBat. Even after all that, will it be enough to take down the Man of Steel?


     Clark Kent, aka Kal-El, aka The Man of Steel, aka Superman, was born on the planet Krypton. He was sent to Earth due to the circumstances of his world. The planet was in a terrible state after the red sun began to collapse, which caused its downfall. Nonetheless, Clark was sent to Earth, more specifically, to Smallville, Kansas, where Martha and Jonathan Kent raised him. Clark was taught the meaning of life and to protect the weak when they are in trouble. Clark made it his job to protect anyone with his great power. His feats are far more extraordinary than Batman's, like being on par with the Flash regarding speed. Many people might not know how fast the Flash is; for example, he can run faster than the speed of light. As well as being strong with the likes of Atlas, which has been stated that he carries the very fabric of Everything! Although he has feats that can destroy Batman, he has his weaknesses. Like being emotionally vulnerable more often than not and being severely weak to kryptonite and also that there are other kryptonites, but you don’t want to go into that, let's just say that most of them are bad for Superman. As well as being weak to a red sun. Now, let’s get to the main question. Who would win overall in a fight?

Different Circumstances:

     Of course, there are different circumstances when it comes to battle between these two. Like prep time. I will give three different situations: One where it’s just straight hands Gladeider style, one with one year of prep time, and one that will show a more accurate portrayal of their characters.

Prep Time:

     Let’s talk about if we gave both characters one year of prep time each. Who would win? Assuming that Batman has access to all the gadgets on hand, I’d say he would easily take this fight. He uses the kryptonite Batarangs and has a room that could replicate a red star. Batman would win easily with little to medium difficulty.


This is also easy, as Superman would destroy Batman with zero difficulty. Superman would just speed-blitz Batman in the blink of an eye, and Batman would be on the floor. Superman would be fast enough to beat the man. Faster than my father to go out and get milk.

Accurate Portrayal:

This is going to be harder than you think. It would be accurate for Batman’s character to have some Kryptonite on him, making it so Superman can’t approach him. As well, Superman holding back against Batman since it would be out of character for him just to one-shot him. Overall despite all of that Batman would utilize his kindness over Superman and would use it against him. Making Batman the winner through said means.


Overall this is just my opinion on how things would turn out and although many people would disagree with me. I think it builds a sight to see. Like Stan Lee said, “The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!” I know that Stan Lee works for Marvel and not DC, but it is just to say that this doesn't matter who is stronger. Because at the end of the day, it’s just our opinion.






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