
One of my favorite things to do for a pastime is to analyze stories, but there is one piece of the story I especially love, and that one piece would be Destiny lore. Now, some of you are in the know, and some of you aren’t about this game, so I’ll briefly explain the game so you have context. It's a game about humanity getting powers to defend themselves and was released in 2014. Hence, the lore behind it is almost ten years old, and that's about how much time I’ve played it, so I’ll be your guide through this universe. The 2nd of context you need is the light vs. dark saga (so good guy vs. bad guys). 

Let me introduce you to one of the games that changed gaming forever and my favorite story, Destiny. Now let's start at the beginning, which requires us to start at the first lore book in Destiny, the Book of Unmaking. However, before I begin to have to warn you, one: this book is accounted as before humanity, and two, well, this is written by a certain witch that loves lying, so I can’t tell you if this is how everything was set in motion, but I can tell you that this is the farthest back book we have so let's begin. 

There was a kingdom on a faraway planet. One day after the massive war between the two kingdoms, a family was born from the King and Queen, known as the three sisters. Their names? Auryx, the firstborn. Sathona is the second born, and Xi Ro is the last born. Now, one day, their dad started going mad and senile and locked himself in a room and convinced himself that the orbit on their planet was wrong and would lead to their civilization being destroyed so their mother had the rivals come and destroy the kingdom because she feared their daughters weren’t of age to rule over the kingdom and subsequently the invaded and killed the royal family except the daughter who escaped and vowed to come back and take back their kingdom. So they took a ship and went into the depths where their father used to tell them stories about gods that lived down there, so they dove. 

They discovered that their father was right that something hit their planet and made it go off orbit; the thing that told them was a leviathan that told the sisters to turn back. They didn’t listen and continued where they hit the center of their planet and encountered the worm gods of Akka, the Worm of Secrets. Eir, the Keeper of Order. Ur, the  Ever-Hunger. Xol, the Will of the Thousand, and Yul, the Honest Worm. Here, the three sisters became the first enemy of humanity, the Hive. They made a pact with the worms, and Xi ro took the knight morph and became Xivu Arath, the Witch of War and Bloodshed. Sathona took the Mother morph and became Savuthun, the Witch Queen (she has the power of lying and deception and is also the person who wrote this book). Finally, the firstborn Aurash took the King morph and became a male, transforming into Oryx the Taken King, and this is where I'm going to stop, not only because it's halfway part of the Book of Unmaking but also because that's a lot of information to processes so I'll leave with the first part and then move on to the second part and start analyzing from there after the second part.


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